§ 53.1-231.1. Process for notification regarding restoration of civil rights.
The Director of the Department of Corrections shall provide that any personconvicted of a felony is notified of the loss of his civil rights and of theprocesses to apply for restoration of civil rights and of voting rights. Thenotice shall be given at the time the person has completed service of hissentence, period of probation or parole, or suspension of sentence.
The Director shall assist the Secretary of the Commonwealth in theadministration of the process established by the Governor for the review ofapplications for restoration of civil rights.
To promote the efficient processing of applications to the Governor, theSecretary of the Commonwealth shall maintain a record of the applications forrestoration of rights received, the dates such applications are received, andthe dates they are either granted or denied by the Governor. The Secretaryshall notify each applicant who has filed a complete application that thecomplete application has been received and the date the complete applicationwas forwarded by the Secretary to the Governor. Such complete applicationshall be forwarded by the Secretary to the Governor within ninety days afterreceipt of the application.
(2000, c. 969; 2002, c. 344.)