§ 53.1-234. Transfer of prisoner; how death sentence executed; who to bepresent.
The clerk of the circuit court in which is pronounced the sentence of deathagainst any person shall, after such judgment becomes final in the circuitcourt, deliver a certified copy thereof to the Director. Such person sosentenced to death shall be confined prior to the execution of the sentencein a state correctional facility designated by the Director. Prior to thetime fixed in the judgment of the court for the execution of the sentence,the Director shall cause the condemned prisoner to be conveyed to the statecorrectional facility housing the death chamber.
The Director, or the assistants appointed by him, shall at the time named inthe sentence, unless a suspension of execution is ordered, cause the prisonerunder sentence of death to be electrocuted or injected with a lethalsubstance, until he is dead. The method of execution shall be chosen by theprisoner. In the event the prisoner refuses to make a choice at least fifteendays prior to the scheduled execution, the method of execution shall be bylethal injection. Execution by lethal injection shall be permitted inaccordance with procedures developed by the Department. At the executionthere shall be present the Director or an assistant, a physician employed bythe Department or his assistant, such other employees of the Department asmay be required by the Director and, in addition thereto, at least sixcitizens who shall not be employees of the Department. In addition, thecounsel for the prisoner and a clergyman may be present.
(Code 1950, §§ 19-276, 19.1-303, 53-318; 1960, c. 366; 1972, c. 145; 1978, c.667; 1982, c. 636; 1989, c. 541; 1994, c. 921; 1996, c. 679; 2007, cc. 652,737.)