§ 53.1-261. Definitions.
As used in this chapter unless the context requires otherwise or it isotherwise provided:
"Correctional services" means the following functions, services andactivities when provided within a prison or otherwise:
1. Operation of facilities, including management, custody of inmates andprovision of security;
2. Food services, commissary, medical services, transportation, sanitation orother ancillary services;
3. Development and implementation assistance for classification, managementinformation systems or other information systems or services;
4. Education, training and employment programs;
5. Recreational, religious and other activities; and
6. Counseling, special treatment programs, or other programs for specialneeds.
"Prison" or "facility" or "prison facility" means any institutionoperated by or under authority of the Department and shall include, whetherobtained by purchase, lease, construction, reconstruction, restoration,improvement, alteration, repair or other means, any physical betterment orimprovement related to the housing of inmates or any preliminary plans,studies or surveys relative thereto; land or rights to land; and anyfurnishings, machines, vehicles, apparatus, or equipment for use inconnection with any prison facility.
"Prison contractor" or "contractor" means any entity, including a localgovernment, entering into or offering or proposing to enter into acontractual agreement to provide any correctional services to inmates underthe custody of the Commonwealth or federal inmates under the custody of theprison contractor, while in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(1991, c. 705; 1992, c. 654; 1995, c. 694; 1996, c. 632; 2007, c. 394.)