§ 53.1-20.1. Compensation of local jails for cost of incarceration.
If the Director is unable to accommodate in a state correctional facility anyconvicted felon sentenced to the Department for a felony committed beforeJanuary 1, 1995, whose sentence totals more than two years or who isconvicted of a felony committed on or after January 1, 1995, and who isrequired to serve a total period of one year or more in a state correctionalfacility, the Department of Corrections shall compensate local jails for thecost of incarceration as provided for in the general appropriation actbeginning on the sixty-first day following the date of mailing by certifiedletter or electronic transmittal by the clerk of the committing court to theDirector of the final order.
(1982, c. 680; 1990, cc. 676, 768; 1994, 2nd Sp. Sess., cc. 1, 2; 1997, c.775.)