§ 53.1-30. Who may enter interior of state correctional facilities; searchesof those entering.
A. The Governor, members of the General Assembly, and members of the Board ofCorrections may go into the interior of any state correctional facility.Attorneys shall be permitted in the interior of a state correctional facilityto confer with prisoners who are their clients and with prisoners who arewitnesses in cases in which they are involved. The Director shall prescribe,subject to approval of the Board, the time and conditions on which attorneysand other persons may enter any state correctional facility.
B. The Department shall promulgate a policy to assist a person who was avictim of a crime committed by an offender incarcerated in any statecorrectional facility to visit with such offender. Such policy may includeprovisions necessary to preserve the safety and security of those at suchvisit and the good order of the facility, including consideration of theoffender's security level, crime committed, and institutional behavior of theoffender. The Department shall make whatever arrangements are necessary toeffectuate such a visit. This subsection shall not apply to juvenile victims.
C. Any person seeking to enter the interior of any state correctionalfacility shall be subject to a search of his person and effects. Such searchshall be performed in a manner reasonable under the circumstances and may bea condition precedent to entering a correctional facility.
(Code 1950, § 53-60.1; 1970, c. 648; 1978, c. 306; 1982, c. 636; 2010, c.844.)