§ 53.1-32. Treatment and control of prisoners; recreation; religious services.
A. It shall be the general purpose of the state correctional facilities toprovide proper employment, training and education in accordance with Chapter18 (§ 22.1-339 et seq.) of Title 22.1 and § 53.1-32.1, medical and mentalhealth care and treatment, discipline and control of prisoners committed ortransferred thereto. The health service program established to providemedical services to prisoners shall provide for appropriate means by whichprisoners receiving nonemergency medical services may pay fees based upon aportion of the cost of such services. In no event shall any prisoner bedenied medically necessary service due to his inability to pay. The Boardshall promulgate regulations governing such a program.
B. The Department of Corrections shall establish and maintain a treatmentprogram for prisoners convicted pursuant to Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) ofChapter 4 of Title 18.2 and committed to its custody. The program shallinclude a clinical assessment of all such prisoners upon receipt into thecustody of the Department of Corrections and the development of appropriatetreatment plans, if indicated. A licensed psychiatrist or licensed clinicalpsychologist who is experienced in the diagnosis, treatment, and riskassessment of sex offenders shall oversee the program and the program shallbe administered by a licensed psychiatrist, licensed clinical psychologist,or a licensed mental health professional who is a certified sex offendertreatment provider as defined in § 54.1-3600.
C. The Director shall provide a program of recreation for prisoners. TheDirector may establish, with consultation from the Department of BehavioralHealth and Developmental Services, a comprehensive substance abuse treatmentprogram which may include utilization of acupuncture and other treatmentmodalities, and may make such program available to any prisoner requiring theservices provided by the program.
D. The Director or his designee who shall be a state employee is authorizedto make arrangements for religious services for prisoners at times as he maydeem appropriate. When such arrangements are made pursuant to a contract ormemorandum of understanding, the final authority for such arrangements shallreside with the Director or his designee.
(Code 1950, §§ 53-33, 53-94; 1970, c. 648; 1982, c. 636; 1992, c. 740; 1993,c. 768; 1995, cc. 766, 821; 1998, c. 798; 2009, cc. 740, 813, 840; 2010, c.261.)