§ 53.1-34. Treatment of prisoner with contagious disease.
The Director may, upon the application of the person in charge of any statecorrectional facility who has been requested in writing so to do by thephysician at such facility, have removed from such facility any prisonertherein who has contracted any contagious or infectious disease dangerous tothe public health to some place to be designated by the Director. When anyprisoner is so removed, he shall be safely kept and treated for such diseaseand, as soon as he recovers his health, be returned to such facility unlessthe term of his imprisonment has expired, in which event he shall bedischarged, but not until all danger of his spreading contagion has passed.Expenses incurred by reason of this section shall be borne by theCommonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 53-94; 1970, c. 648; 1979, c. 109; 1982, c. 636.)