§ 53.1-42. Allowance for work and disposition thereof.
Every prisoner committed and transferred to the Department and thereafterconfined for the sentence for which he was committed in a state or localcorrectional facility shall be allowed an amount to be established by theBoard for each day of labor satisfactory to the superintendent or sheriff inwhose charge he is. The allowance so made shall accumulate and be paid overto the prisoner upon discharge, except that an amount thereof to bedetermined by the Board may be drawn upon by the prisoner for such purposesas may be authorized by the regulations of the Board.
For the purposes of this section only, the phrase "transferred to theDepartment" means (i) the actual physical receipt by the Department of aprisoner in a state correctional facility or (ii) the complete processing bythe Department of a prisoner for the purposes of classifying the person as astate prisoner whether or not the person is physically received into a statecorrectional facility.
(Code 1950, § 53-220.1; 1970, c. 339; 1982, c. 636.)