§ 53.1-45.1. Work programs; agreements with other entities.
A. The Director, with the prior approval of the Governor, may enter into anagreement with a public or private entity to operate a work program in astate correctional facility for prisoners confined therein.
B. Articles produced or manufactured and services provided by prisonersparticipating in such a program may be purchased as provided in § 53.1-47 andmay be bought, sold or acquired by exchange on the open market through theparticipating public or private entity.
C. The Director shall arrange for compensation for such employment. Wagesearned by prisoners shall be paid to the Director who shall deduct from suchwages, in the following order of priority, an amount to:
1. Meet the obligation of any judicial or administrative order to providesupport and such funds shall be disbursed according to the terms of suchorder;
2. Pay any fines, restitution or costs as ordered by the court; and
3. Defray a portion of the prisoner's keep.
The balance shall be credited to the prisoner's account in accordance with §53.1-42.
(1993, cc. 464, 488; 1996, cc. 284, 368; 2003, cc. 94, 854.)