§ 53.1-54. Charges and catalogue; annual estimates of requirements bydepartments, etc.
A. The Director shall establish charges for articles produced or manufacturedand services provided by prison labor that will, in his judgment, defray theadministration, operation and maintenance costs and make allowances fordepreciation, return on capital and contingencies.
B. A catalogue shall be prepared by the Department on a periodic basis whichdescribes all articles and supplies manufactured and produced by personsconfined in state correctional facilities. Copies of the catalogue shall besent to all departments, institutions and agencies of the Commonwealthmandated to purchase such articles and supplies. At least thirty days beforethe commencement of each fiscal year, the proper official of each department,institution and agency of the Commonwealth shall report to the Division ofPurchases and Supply estimates of the kinds and amounts of articles andsupplies required by it for the ensuing year. Such estimates shall refer tothe catalogue issued by the Director insofar as the articles and suppliesindicated are included within the catalogue.
(Code 1950, §§ 53-62, 53-73; 1958, c. 124; 1970, c. 648; 1982, c. 636.)