§ 53.1-56. Construction and maintenance of highways; grass cutting;acquisition of quarries, etc.; use of materials for county roads.
Persons sentenced to the Department shall, so far as practicable, be employedin the construction and maintenance of the State Highway System and secondarysystem of state highways, and to this end may be used in rock quarries,gravel pits and other plants in the preparation of materials for constructionand maintenance of roads and in the maintenance of any or all medians andother nontraveled portions of such highways.
The Commonwealth Transportation Board may acquire out of the proceeds of themoney, now or hereafter available for construction and maintenance of theState Highway System and secondary system, such quarries, gravel pits orplants as may in its opinion be necessary for such work. The Board shall onthe request of any county road authorities allow such county road authoritiesto take from such quarries or gravel pits or shall sell to such county roadauthorities at cost of production such materials as may be required to beused for the construction and maintenance of county roads. This arrangementshall in no way interfere with the furnishing of materials by the Board forthe maintenance or construction of the State Highway System and secondarysystem.
The Commonwealth Transportation Board shall make requisition from time totime upon the Director for the number of prisoners it deems necessary for thework on the State Highway System or secondary system or for the preparationof road material for road construction and maintenance and in the maintenanceof any or all medians and other nontraveled portions of such highways. Thenumber of prisoners so requisitioned shall be furnished subject toavailability as determined by the Director of the Department of Corrections.
Fifteen days prior to a prisoner's participation in the program, the Directorshall give the chief of police, sheriff or local chief law-enforcementofficial of the locality in which the prisoner will work, notice of theprisoner's participation. Such notice shall include the name, address andcriminal history of the prisoner, in addition to other information the chiefof police or such officer may request. The transmission of information shallbe confidential and not subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§2.2-3700 et seq.).
(Code 1950, § 53-109; 1970, c. 648; 1974, c. 128; 1982, c. 636; 1989, c. 652;2010, c. 128.)