§ 53.1-66. Transfer of prisoners to other facilities.
Any person confined by the Department in a facility established by thischapter may be transferred from such facility to other facilities in thestate corrections system for the remainder of the period of commitment under§ 16.1-272 or Article 2 (§ 19.2-311 et seq.) of Chapter 18 of Title 19.2,upon a written finding by the Department submitted to the sentencing courtthat the person has exhibited intractable behavior or, in the case of personscommitted under § 19.2-311, otherwise becomes ineligible to use suchfacilities pursuant to § 19.2-311.
"Intractable behavior" means behavior which (i) indicates an inmate'sunwillingness or inability to conform his behavior to that necessary to hissuccessful completion of the program or (ii) is so disruptive as to threatenthe successful completion of the program by other participants.
(Code 1950, § 53-128.4; 1966, c. 482; 1982, c. 636; 1990, c. 701; 1996, cc.755, 914.)