§ 53.1-67. Admission to facility; good conduct allowance restricted.
In no case shall a person previously confined in a youthful offenderfacility, whether for a different or the same offense, be confined again insuch a facility, except for the purposes of study, testing and diagnosis.
The provisions of §§ 53.1-191, 53.1-196, and 53.1-198 through 53.1-201relating to good conduct credits and allowances and extraordinary service andthe provisions of § 53.1-187 relating to credit for time served in acorrectional facility or juvenile detention facility shall not apply topersons sentenced to an indeterminate sentence under § 19.2-311 for a crimecommitted on or after July 1, 1983. Acts performed by such persons whichwould earn credit for them under § 53.1-191, if it were applicable, shall benoted on their record by the authorities of the facility.
(Code 1950, § 53-128.5; 1966, c. 482; 1982, c. 636; 1983, c. 606; 1984, c.313; 1990, c. 701.)