§ 53.1-67.1. Establishment of program; supervision upon completion; report.
The Department shall establish, staff and maintain at any state correctionalfacility designated by the Board of Corrections a Boot Camp IncarcerationProgram of intensive supervision for the rehabilitation, training andconfinement of individuals committed to the Department under the provisionsof § 19.2-316.1. No more than 200 individuals shall be confined pursuant tothe program at any one time. The program shall include components for drilland ceremony, physical labor, counseling, remedial education including drugeducation, and career and occupational assessment.
Upon completion of the program, the individual shall be released fromconfinement and remain on probation for a period of one year or for suchother longer period as may be specified by the sentencing court. As acondition of such probation following the boot camp component, aprobationer's successful participation in employment, career and technicaleducation or other educational programs may be required.
Probation officers assigned to the program shall be appointed by the judgesof the circuit court of the county or city in which the position is assigned.Any officer so appointed shall have the same powers and duties as specifiedin § 53.1-145 and such appointment shall be valid in any judicial circuit inthe Commonwealth.
(1990, c. 474; 1994, c. 926; 1995, c. 117; 1996, cc. 809, 938; 2001, c. 483.)