§ 53.1-67.4. Authority of Director; purchase of services authorized; locationand notification.
A. Facilities established under this article may, in the discretion of theDirector, be purchased, constructed or leased. The Director is furtherauthorized to employ necessary personnel for these facilities. The Director,pursuant to rules and regulations of the Board, may purchase such services asare deemed necessary in furtherance of this article. Such services may beprovided by qualified public agencies or private agencies.
B. At least 90 days prior to (i) the issuance of a request for proposal forconstruction, (ii) the execution of a contract for the purchase of improvedor unimproved land, or (iii) the execution or renewal of a lease agreement,notice shall be given by the Director to the chairman of the board ofsupervisors or mayor of the county, city, or town in which the facility is tobe located. Such notice shall also be given to each adjacent land owner. Inaddition, if the local governing body in the jurisdiction where the facilityis to be located so requests, the Department shall hold a public hearing inthat jurisdiction.
(1994, 2nd Sp. Sess., cc. 1, 2; 1995, cc. 502, 574; 2006, c. 187.)