§ 53.1-67.7. Diversion center incarceration program; establishment.
The Department is authorized to establish and maintain a system ofresidential diversion centers for probationers and parolees who require moresecurity and supervision than provided by intensive probation or parolesupervision and who are committed to the Department under § 19.2-316.3. Theprogram shall include components for ensuring compliance with terms andconditions of probation or parole; ensuring restitution and performance ofcommunity service; payment of fines, if any, and costs of court; providingassistance in securing and maintaining employment; providing access tosubstance abuse testing and treatment; and providing other programs whichwill assist the probationer or parolee in returning to society as aproductive citizen.
Probationers or parolees confined in a diversion incarceration center may beallowed to leave the facility only for purposes expressly authorized by theDirector.
(1994, 2nd Sp. Sess., cc. 1, 2; 2000, c. 338.)