§ 54.1-108. Disclosure of official records.
Official records of the Department of Professional and OccupationalRegulation or the Department of Health Professions or any board named in thistitle shall be subject to the disclosure provisions of the Virginia Freedomof Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.), except for the following:
1. Examination questions, papers, booklets and answer sheets, which may bedisclosed at the discretion of the board administering or causing to beadministered such examinations.
2. Applications for admission to examinations or for licensure, and thescoring records maintained by any board or by the Departments on individuallicensees or applicants. However, this material may be made available duringnormal working hours for copying by the subject individual at his expense atthe office of the Department or board which possesses the material.
3. Records of active investigations being conducted by the Departments or anyboard.
(1979, c. 408, § 54-1.41; 1982, c. 207; 1988, c. 765; 1993, c. 499.)