§ 54.1-116. Applicants to include social security numbers, or otheridentifying number; exemption.
A. Every applicant for a license, certificate, registration or otherauthorization to engage in a business, trade, profession or occupation issuedby the Commonwealth pursuant to this title, and every applicant for renewalthereof, shall provide on the application either his social security numberor control number issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles pursuant to §46.2-342. An initial application or renewal application which does notinclude either identifying number shall not be considered or acted upon bythe issuing entity, and no refund of any fees paid with the application shallbe granted.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, a health regulatory boardof the Department of Health Professions may issue a temporary license orauthorization to practice, effective for not longer than 90 days, to anotherwise qualified applicant for a license, certificate or registration whois a foreign national and cannot provide a social security number or controlnumber at the time of application.
(1997, cc. 794, 898; 2003, c. 803.)