§ 54.1-1108. Application for Class B license; fees; examination; issuance.
A. Any person desiring to be licensed as a Class B contractor shall file withthe Department a written application on a form prescribed by the Board. Theapplication shall be accompanied by a fee set by the Board pursuant to §54.1-201. The application shall contain the name, place of employment, andbusiness address of the proposed designated employee; information on theknowledge, skills, abilities, and financial position of the applicant; andevidence of holding a current local license pursuant to local ordinancesadopted pursuant to § 54.1-1117. The Board shall determine whether the pastperformance record of the applicant, including his reputation for payingmaterial bills and carrying out other contractual obligations, satisfies thepurpose and intent of this chapter. The Board shall also determine whetherthe applicant has complied with the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining tothe domestication of foreign corporations and all other laws affecting thoseengaged in the practice of contracting as set forth in this chapter. Inaddition, if the applicant is a sole proprietor, he shall furnish to theBoard his name and address. If the applicant is a member of a partnership, heshall furnish to the Board the names and addresses of all of the generalpartners of that partnership. If the applicant is a member of an association,he shall furnish to the Board the names and addresses of all of the membersof the association. If the applicant is a corporation, it shall furnish tothe Board the name and address of all officers of the corporation. If theapplicant is a joint venture, it shall furnish to the Board the names andaddresses of (i) each member of the joint venture and (ii) any soleproprietor, general partner of any partnership, member of any association, orofficer of any corporation who is a member of the joint venture. Theapplicant shall thereafter keep the Board advised of any changes in the aboveinformation.
B. If the application is satisfactory to the Board, the proposed designatedemployee shall be required by Board regulations to take an oral or writtenexamination to determine his general knowledge of contracting, including thestatutory and regulatory requirements governing contractors in theCommonwealth. If the proposed designated employee successfully completes theexamination and the applicant meets or exceeds the other entry criteriaestablished by Board regulations, a Class B contractor license shall beissued to the applicant. The license shall permit the applicant to engage incontracting only so long as the designated employee is in the full-timeemployment of the contractor and only in the counties, cities, and townswhere such person has complied with all local licensing requirements and forthe type of work to be performed. No examination shall be required where thelicensed Class B contractor changes his form of business entity provided heis in good standing with the Board. In the event the designated employeeleaves the full-time employ of the licensed contractor, no additionalexamination shall be required of such designated employee, except inaccordance with § 54.1-1110.1, and the contractor shall within 90 days ofthat departure provide to the Board the name of the new designated employee.
C. The Board may grant a Class B license in any of the followingclassifications: (i) building contractor, (ii) highway/heavy contractor,(iii) electrical contractor, (iv) plumbing contractor, (v) HVAC contractor,and (vi) specialty contractor.
(1980, c. 634, § 54-129.3; 1987, c. 110; 1988, c. 765; 1990, c. 911; 1994, c.601; 1996, c. 707; 2003, c. 892.)