§ 54.1-1111. Prerequisites to obtaining business license; building, etc.,permit.
A. Any person applying to the building inspector or any other authority of acounty, city, or town in this Commonwealth, charged with the duty of issuingbuilding or other permits for the construction of any building, highway,sewer, or structure, or any removal, grading or improvement shall furnishprior to the issuance of the permit, either (i) satisfactory proof to suchinspector or authority that he is duly licensed or certified under the termsof this chapter to carry out or superintend the same, or (ii) file a writtenstatement, supported by an affidavit, that he is not subject to licensure orcertification as a contractor or subcontractor pursuant to this chapter. Theapplicant shall also furnish satisfactory proof that the taxes or licensefees required by any county, city, or town have been paid so as to bequalified to bid upon or contract for the work for which the permit has beenapplied.
It shall be unlawful for the building inspector or other authority to issueor allow the issuance of such permits unless the applicant has furnished hislicense or certificate number issued pursuant to this chapter or evidence ofbeing exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
The building inspector, or other such authority, violating the terms of thissection shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
B. Any contractor applying for or renewing a business license in any localityin accordance with Chapter 37 (§ 58.1-3700 et seq.) of Title 58.1 shallfurnish prior to the issuance or renewal of such license either (i)satisfactory proof that he is duly licensed or certified under the terms ofthis chapter or (ii) a written statement, supported by an affidavit, that heis not subject to licensure or certification as a contractor or subcontractorpursuant to this chapter.
No locality shall issue or renew or allow the issuance or renewal of suchlicense unless the contractor has furnished his license or certificate numberissued pursuant to this chapter or evidence of being exempt from theprovisions of this chapter.
(Code 1950, § 54-138; 1970, c. 319; 1980, c. 634; 1988, c. 765; 1990, c. 911;1991, c. 151; 1992, c. 713; 1995, c. 771; 1998, c. 754; 2010, cc. 82, 755.)