§ 54.1-1131. Exemptions.
A. An individual certified or licensed by any one of the following agenciesshall not be required to fulfill the examination requirement specified in §54.1-1130 for a tradesman license:
1. The Board of Housing and Community Development prior to July 1, 1995.
2. Any local governing body prior to July 1, 1978.
3. An apprenticeship program which is approved by the Virginia ApprenticeshipCouncil.
Individuals applying for a tradesman license between July 1, 1995, and July1, 1998, shall be deemed to have fulfilled the examination requirement ifthey are able to demonstrate that they have the required number of years ofdiscipline-free experience set forth in Board regulations.
B. Upon satisfactory evidence to the Board, the following individuals shallnot be required to fulfill the examination requirement specified in §54.1-1130 to be certified as a backflow prevention device worker or licensedas a liquefied petroleum gas fitter:
1. Individuals approved, or recognized as having expertise, by a localgoverning body prior to July 1, 1998, to perform backflow prevention devicework;
2. Individuals applying for certification as a backflow prevention deviceworker between July 1, 1998 and July 1, 1999, who are able to demonstratethat they have the required number of years of discipline-free experience andeducation or training set forth in Board regulations; or
3. Individuals applying for licensure as a liquefied petroleum gas fitterwithin one year of the effective date of the Board's final regulations, whoare able to demonstrate that they have at least five years' experience as aliquefied petroleum gas fitter.
C. The provisions of this article shall not apply to any individual who isperforming work on (i) any ship, boat, barge or other floating vessel or (ii)a single-family residence where the value of the work performed is less than$250 and such individual does not hold himself out to the general public as atradesman.
D. Individuals applying for a natural gas fitter provider license within oneyear of the effective date of the Board's final regulations, shall be deemedto have fulfilled the examination requirement if they are able to demonstratethat they have five years' prior experience as a natural gas fitter provider.
E. Individuals applying for a natural gas fitter provider license betweenJuly 1, 1999 and July 1, 2004, shall be deemed to have fulfilled theexamination requirement if they are able to demonstrate that they have atleast five years' experience in an apprenticeship capacity under the directsupervision of a gas fitter.
F. Individuals applying for licensure as a liquefied petroleum gas fitterbetween July 1, 2000 and July 1, 2005, shall be deemed to have fulfilled theexamination requirements if they are able to demonstrate that they have atleast five years' experience in an apprenticeship capacity under the directsupervision of a gas fitter.
(1994, c. 895; 1995, c. 581; 1996, cc. 934, 1006; 1997, cc. 403, 885; 1999,cc. 343, 817, 833; 2000, c. 406.)