§ 54.1-1134. Grounds for denial or revocation of certification or license;reports of building officials and others.
The Board shall have the power to require remedial education and to suspend,revoke or deny renewal of the certification or license of any individual whois found to be in violation of the statutes or regulations governing thepractice of licensed tradesmen, liquefied petroleum gas fitters or naturalgas fitter providers or certified backflow prevention device workers in theCommonwealth.
Any building official who finds that an individual is practicing as atradesman, elevator mechanic, liquefied petroleum gas fitter or natural gasfitter provider without a license as required by this article shall file areport to such effect with the Board. Any water purveyor or building officialwho finds that an individual is practicing as a backflow prevention deviceworker without a certificate, if a certificate is required by the locality inwhich an individual is engaging in backflow prevention device workeractivities, shall file a report to such effect with the Board.
Any building official who has reason to believe that (i) a tradesman,liquefied petroleum gas fitter or natural gas fitter provider is performingincompetently as demonstrated by an egregious or repeated violation of theUniform Statewide Building Code (§ 36-97 et seq.) or (ii) a certifiedbackflow prevention device worker is performing incompetently as demonstratedby an egregious or repeated violation of the standards adopted by theAmerican Society of Sanitary Engineering referenced in the plumbing codeadopted by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code shall file a reportto such effect with the Board. Any water purveyor who has reason to believethat a certified backflow prevention device worker is performingincompetently as demonstrated by an egregious or repeated violation of thestandards adopted by the American Society of Sanitary Engineering referencedin the plumbing code adopted by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Codeshall file a report to such effect with the Board and local building official.
(1994, c. 895; 1996, cc. 934, 1006; 1997, cc. 403, 885; 1999, c. 343; 2009,cc. 184, 586.)