§ 54.1-1140. Definitions.
As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Accessibility mechanic" means an individual who is engaged in erecting,constructing, installing, altering, servicing, repairing, testing ormaintaining wheelchair lifts, incline chairlifts, dumbwaiters with a capacitylimit of 300 pounds, and private residence elevators, in accordance with theUniform Statewide Building Code (§ 36-97 et seq.).
"Certified accessibility mechanic" means an individual who is certified bythe Board in accordance with this article to engage in work as anaccessibility mechanic.
"Elevator mechanic" means an individual who is certified by the Board inaccordance with this article to engage in erecting, constructing, installing,altering, servicing, repairing, testing or maintaining elevators, escalators,or related conveyances in accordance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code.
"Limited use/limited application endorsement" means an addition to thecertification record of a certified accessibility mechanic authorizing thecertificate holder to erect, construct, install, alter, service, repair,test, or maintain limited use/limited application elevators as defined by theUniform Statewide Building Code.
(2004, c. 188; 2007, c. 424; 2009, cc. 184, 586; 2010, cc. 81, 207.)