§ 54.1-1142.1. Certifications in event of declared emergency.
A. Whenever the Governor declares a state of emergency in accordance with §44-146.17 or in the event of a work stoppage by elevator mechanics and theBoard determines that the number of elevator mechanics is insufficient tomeet the demands of the emergency or work stoppage, the Board shall issue anemergency certificate to practice as an elevator mechanic under the followingconditions:
1. A contractor licensed under the provisions of this chapter (a) attests tothe Board, in a form prescribed by the Board, that an applicant has anacceptable combination of documented experience and education to perform workas an elevator mechanic without direct and immediate supervision of anelevator mechanic and (b) provides such proof thereof as required by theBoard; and
2. The applicant attested to the Board by the licensed contractor applies tothe Board for emergency certification as an elevator mechanic.
As used in this subsection, "direct and immediate supervision" means propersupervision but does not include line of sight supervision.
B. Each such certification shall be valid for a period of 45 days from thedate of issuance and for such geographic areas or such elevators, escalators,or related conveyances as the Board may designate. Such certification shallentitle the certificate holder to engage in work as an elevator mechanic. TheBoard shall renew such certification as often as necessary to ensure thatthere is a sufficient number of elevator mechanics to meet the demands of theemergency. No fee shall be charged for application for such certification orany renewal thereof.
C. The Board may delegate to the Director of the Department the authority toissue such emergency certifications. The Director shall inform the Board ofthe issuance of any certifications.
(2007, c. 424; 2009, cc. 184, 586.)