§ 54.1-1143. Continuing education.
A. The Board shall establish in the regulations requirements for continuingeducation as a prerequisite to renewal of any certificate issued under thisarticle. The Board shall require evidence of knowledge of the UniformStatewide Building Code changes as a prerequisite to renewal of anycertificate issued under this article. In addition, the Board may requirecontinuing education for any individual who is found to be in violation oflaw or regulations governing the practice of an elevator mechanic certifiedunder this article.
B. An elevator mechanic or a certified accessibility mechanic, as a conditionof recertification and as part of the recertification application, shallattest to the Board that he has completed at least eight hours of continuingeducation, approved by the Board, in the specialty of elevator/escalatorcontracting. The Board may establish such requirements for approval oftraining instructors, the criteria for the continuing education and suchother regulations to ensure the protection of the public interest. Suchcriteria shall include approval of curriculum sponsored by national or stateprofessional elevator industry associations approved by the Board.
C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to certifications issued bythe Board under § 54.1-1142.1 or 54.1-1142.2.
(2004, c. 188; 2007, c. 424; 2009, cc. 184, 586; 2010, cc. 81, 207.)