§ 54.1-1700. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Board" means the Board for Opticians.
"Licensed physician" means any person licensed by the Board of Medicine topractice medicine and surgery.
"Optician" means any person, not exempted by § 54.1-1701, who prepares ordispenses eyeglasses, spectacles, lenses, or related appurtenances, for theintended wearers or users, on prescriptions from licensed physicians orlicensed optometrists, or as duplications or reproductions of previouslyprepared eyeglasses, spectacles, lenses, or related appurtenances; or who, inaccordance with such prescriptions, duplications or reproductions, measures,adapts, fits, and adjusts eyeglasses, spectacles, lenses, or appurtenances,to the human face.
"Licensed optician" means any person who is the holder of a license issuedby the Board for Opticians.
"Licensed optometrist" means any person authorized by Virginia law topractice optometry.
(1954, c. 237, § 54-398.2; 1988, c. 765.)