§ 54.1-1800. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Course of instruction" means a formal course of instruction in thedetection of deception and the verification of truth in an institutionapproved by the Director.
"Department" means the Department of Professional and OccupationalRegulation.
"Director" means the Director of the Department of Professional andOccupational Regulation.
"Other detection device" or "device" means any mechanical or electronicinstrument or device, other than a polygraph, used to test or questionindividuals for the purpose of detecting deception or verifying truthfulness.
"Person" means any natural person, partnership, association, corporation ortrust.
"Polygraph" means any mechanical or electronic instrument or device used totest or question individuals for the purpose of determining truthfulness.
"Polygraph examiner" means any person who uses a polygraph to test orquestion individuals for the purpose of determining truthfulness.
"Polygraph examiner intern" means any person engaged in the study ofpolygraphy and the administration of polygraph examinations under thepersonal supervision and control of a polygraph examiner.
(1975, c. 522, § 54-916; 1988, c. 765; 1993, c. 499; 2010, c. 625.)