§ 54.1-200. Composition of regulatory boards.
A regulatory board established to administer a system of certification orlicensure as provided in §§ 54.1-310 and 54.1-311, unless otherwise specifiedby law, shall consist of at least five members. The Board for Professionaland Occupational Regulation may recommend to the General Assembly the numberof members to be placed on the regulatory board. Two members of each boardestablished hereafter shall be citizen members and the remainder of themembers shall be practitioners of the profession or occupation which is beingregulated. Citizen members shall participate in all matters except decisionsregarding the examination of applicants for licensure or decisions regardingthe professional competence of licensees. Terms of the members shall bestaggered to ensure a continuing body.
(1979, c. 408, § 54-1.27; 1988, c. 765; 1993, c. 499.)