§ 54.1-201. Powers and duties of regulatory boards.
The powers and duties of regulatory boards shall be as follows:
1. To establish the qualifications of applicants for certification orlicensure by any such board, provided that all qualifications shall benecessary to ensure either competence or integrity to engage in suchprofession or occupation.
2. To examine, or cause to be examined, the qualifications of each applicantfor certification or licensure within its particular regulatory system,including when necessary the preparation, administration and grading ofexaminations.
3. To certify or license qualified applicants as practitioners of theparticular profession or occupation regulated by such board.
4. To levy and collect fees for certification or licensure and renewal thatare sufficient to cover all expenses for the administration and operation ofthe regulatory board and a proportionate share of the expenses of theDepartment of Professional and Occupational Regulation and the Board forProfessional and Occupational Regulation.
5. To promulgate regulations in accordance with the Administrative ProcessAct (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) necessary to assure continued competency, to preventdeceptive or misleading practices by practitioners and to effectivelyadminister the regulatory system administered by the regulatory board. Theregulations shall not be in conflict with the purposes and intent of thischapter or of Chapters 1 (§ 54.1-100 et seq.) and 3 (§ 54.1-300 et seq.) ofthis title.
6. To ensure that inspections are conducted relating to the practice of eachpractitioner certified or licensed by the regulatory board to ensure that thepractitioner is conducting his practice in a competent manner and within thelawful regulations promulgated by the board.
7. To place a regulant on probation or revoke, suspend or fail to renew acertificate or license for just causes as enumerated in regulations of theboard. Conditions of probation may include, but not be limited to thesuccessful completion of remedial education or examination.
8. To receive complaints concerning the conduct of any person whoseactivities are regulated by the regulatory board and to take appropriatedisciplinary action if warranted.
9. To promulgate canons of ethics under which the professional activities ofpersons regulated shall be conducted.
(1979, c. 408, § 54-1.28; 1983, c. 569; 1988, c. 765; 1993, c. 499; 2005, c.383.)