§ 54.1-2023. Penalty.
In any action brought under this chapter, if a court finds that a person haswillfully engaged in an act or practice in violation of this chapter, theAttorney General, the attorney for the Commonwealth, or the attorney for thelocality may recover for the Literary Fund, upon petition to the court, acivil penalty of not more than $2,500 per violation. For purposes of thissection, prima facie evidence of a willful violation may be shown when theAttorney General, the attorney for the Commonwealth, or the attorney for thelocality notifies the alleged violator by certified mail that an act orpractice is a violation of this chapter and the alleged violator, afterreceipt of the notice, continues to engage in the act or practice.
Violations of this chapter shall constitute separate and distinct offenses.If the acts or activities violating this chapter also violate anotherprovision of law, an action brought under this chapter shall not prohibit orbar any prosecution or proceeding under such other provision or theimposition or any penalties provided for thereby.
(2010, c. 508.)