§ 54.1-2100. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
"Distance learning" means instruction delivered by an approved providerthrough a medium other than a classroom setting. Such courses shall be thoseoffered by an accredited university, college, community college, high schooloffering adult distributive education courses, other school or educationalinstitution, or real estate professional association or related entities.
"Real estate broker" means any person or business entity, including, butnot limited to, a partnership, association, corporation or limited liabilitycompany, who, for compensation or valuable consideration (i) sells or offersfor sale, buys or offers to buy, or negotiates the purchase or sale orexchange of real estate, including units or interest in condominiums,cooperative interest as defined in § 55-426, or time-shares in a time-shareprogram even though they may be deemed to be securities, or (ii) leases oroffers to lease, or rents or offers for rent, any real estate or theimprovements thereon for others.
(Code 1950, § 54-730; 1974, c. 409; 1982, c. 440; 1984, c. 283; 1988, c. 765;1996, c. 993; 2001, c. 548; 2007, c. 809.)