§ 54.1-2105.04. Education requirements; reactivation of licenses; waiver.
A. Board regulations shall include remedial educational requirements for anysalesperson or broker who has been inactive for more than three years. Theregulations shall require the applicant to meet the educational requirementsfor a salesperson or broker in effect at the time either becomes active.
B. When the license has been inactive for more than three years, the Boardmay waive the educational requirements for reactivation of a license underthe following conditions: (i) during the time the license has been inactive,the holder of such inactive license has been engaged in an occupation wherebythe knowledge of real estate would be retained or (ii) the holder of suchlicense is a member or the spouse of a member of the armed forces of theUnited States who has been permanently assigned outside Virginia for aportion of the time the license has been inactive, and the holder of theinactive license remained current in the field of real estate anddemonstrates this fact to the satisfaction of the Board.
C. The Board or its agent shall require proof of identity prior to anapplicant taking the state examination.
(2007, c. 809.)