§ 54.1-2208. Unlawful representation as a certified professional soilscientist or wetland delineator.
A. No person shall represent himself as a certified professional soilscientist unless he has been so certified by the Board. Any person practicingor offering to practice soil evaluation within the meaning of this chapterwho, through verbal claim, sign, advertisement, or letterhead, representshimself as a certified professional soil scientist without holding such acertificate from the Board shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
B. No person shall represent himself as a certified professional wetlanddelineator unless he has been so certified by the Board. Any personpracticing or offering to practice wetland delineation within the meaning ofthis chapter who, through verbal claim, sign, advertisement, or letterhead,represents himself as a certified professional wetland delineator withoutholding such a certificate from the Board shall be guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor.
(1987, c. 626, § 54-971; 1988, c. 765; 2002, c. 784.)