§ 54.1-2327. Itemized statement and general price list of burial fees to befurnished; solicitations prohibited.
A. Every cemetery company licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chaptershall furnish a written general price list and a written itemized statementof charges in connection with burial services provided by the cemeterycompany.
Individuals inquiring in person about burial arrangements or the prices ofproperty or services shall be given the general price list. Upon beginningdiscussion of burial arrangements or the selection of any property orservices, the general price list shall be offered by the cemetery company.
The itemized statement shall include, but not be limited to, the followingcharges: burial vaults or other burial receptacles, facilities used, andother professional services used, which shall be set forth in a clear andconspicuous manner.
The general price list and itemized statement of burial fees shall complywith forms prescribed by Board regulation, which regulations shall promotethe purposes of this section.
B. No cemetery company licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chaptershall make any solicitation at-need or any preneed solicitation usingin-person communication by the cemetery company, his agents, assistants oremployees, which is false, misleading, or contrary to the stated purpose.However, general advertising and preneed solicitation shall be permitted.
(1998, cc. 708, 721.)