§ 54.1-2301. Board for Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators and OnsiteSewage System Professionals; membership; terms; duties.
A. The Board for Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operators and Onsite SewageSystem Professionals shall consist of 11 members as follows: the Director ofthe Office of Water Programs of the State Department of Health, or hisdesignee, the Executive Director of the State Water Control Board, or hisdesignee, a currently employed waterworks operator having a valid license ofthe highest classification issued by the Board, a currently employedwastewater works operator having a valid license of the highestclassification issued by the Board, a faculty member of a state university orcollege whose principal field of teaching is management or operation ofwaterworks or wastewater works, a representative of an owner of a waterworks,a representative of an owner of a wastewater works, a licensed alternativeonsite sewage system operator, a licensed alternative onsite sewage systeminstaller, a licensed onsite soil evaluator, and one citizen member. Thealternative onsite sewage system operator, alternative onsite sewage systeminstaller, and onsite soil evaluator shall have practiced for at least fiveconsecutive years immediately prior to appointment. No owner shall berepresented on the Board by more than one representative or employeeoperator. The term of Board members shall be four years.
B. The Board shall examine waterworks and wastewater works operators andissue licenses. The licenses may be issued in specific operatorclassifications to attest to the competency of an operator to supervise andoperate waterworks and wastewater works while protecting the public health,welfare and property and conserving and protecting the water resources of theCommonwealth.
C. The Board shall establish a program for licensing individuals as onsitesoil evaluators, onsite sewage system installers, and onsite sewage systemoperators.
D. The Board, in consultation with the Board of Health, shall adoptregulations for the licensure of (i) onsite soil evaluators; (ii) installersof alternative onsite sewage systems, as defined in § 32.1-163; and (iii)operators of alternative onsite sewage systems, as defined in § 32.1-163.Such regulations shall include requirements for (a) minimum education andtraining, including approved training courses; (b) relevant work experience;(c) demonstrated knowledge and skill; (d) application fees to cover the costsof the program, renewal fees, and schedules; (e) the division of onsite soilevaluators into classes, one of which shall be restricted to the design ofconventional onsite sewage systems; and (f) other criteria the Board deemsnecessary.
(1970, c. 768, §§ 54-573.1, 54-573.3; 1981, c. 447; 1988, c. 765; 1989, c.97; 2007, cc. 892, 924; 2008, c. 67.)