§ 54.1-2402. Citizen members on health regulatory boards.
Citizen members appointed to boards within the Department of HealthProfessions after July 1, 1986, shall participate in all matters. Of thecitizen members first appointed to boards with two citizen members, one shallbe appointed for a term of two years and one for the maximum term establishedfor members of the respective board. On boards with one citizen member, thecitizen member initially appointed shall be appointed for the maximum termestablished for members of that board. The provisions of this sectionrelating to terms of citizen members on such boards shall not apply to theBoard of Medicine or to the Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers. For thepurposes of this section, "citizen member" shall have the meaning providedin § 54.1-107.
(1986, c. 464, § 54-950.3; 1988, cc. 66, 765.)