§ 54.1-2521. Reporting requirements.
A. The failure by any person subject to the reporting requirements set forthin this section and the Department's regulations to report the dispensing ofcovered substances shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action by therelevant health regulatory board.
B. Upon dispensing a covered substance, a dispenser of such covered substanceshall report the following information:
1. The recipient's name and address.
2. The recipient's date of birth.
3. The covered substance that was dispensed to the recipient.
4. The quantity of the covered substance that was dispensed.
5. The date of the dispensing.
6. The prescriber's identifier number.
7. The dispenser's identifier number.
8. Any other non-clinical information that is designated by the Director asnecessary for the implementation of this chapter in accordance with theDepartment's regulations.
9. Any other information specified in regulations promulgated by the Directoras required in order for the Prescription Monitoring Program to be eligibleto receive federal funds.
C. The reports required herein shall be made and transmitted in such mannerand format and according to the standards and schedule established in theDepartment's regulations.
(2002, c. 481; 2006, c. 167.)
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