§ 54.1-2524. Immunity from liability.
A. The Director and the employees of the Department of Health Professionsshall not be liable for any civil damages resulting from the accuracy orinaccuracy of any information reported to and compiled and maintained by theDepartment pursuant to this chapter.
Further, the Director and the employees of the Department of HealthProfessions shall not be liable for any civil damages resulting from thedisclosure of or failure to disclose any information in compliance withsubsections B and C of § 54.1-2523 and the Department's regulations.
B. In the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct, prescribers ordispensers complying in good faith with the reporting requirements of thischapter shall not be liable for any civil damages for any act or omissionresulting from the submission of such required reports.
(2002, c. 481.)