§ 54.1-2601. Exemptions.
This chapter shall not:
1. Prevent any person from engaging, individually or through his employees,in activities for which he is licensed or from using appropriate descriptivewords, phrases or titles to refer to his services;
2. Prevent any person employed by a federal, state, county or municipalagency, or an educational institution as a speech or hearing specialist ortherapist from performing the regular duties of his office or position;
3. Prevent any student, intern or trainee in audiology or speech-languagepathology, pursuing a course of study at an accredited university or college,or working in a recognized training center, under the direct supervision of alicensed or certified audiologist or speech-language pathologist, fromperforming services constituting a part of his supervised course of study;
4. Prevent a licensed audiologist or speech-language pathologist fromemploying or using the services of unlicensed persons as necessary to assisthim in his practice;
5. Authorize any person, unless otherwise licensed to do so, to prepare,order, dispense, alter or repair hearing aids or parts of or attachments tohearing aids for consideration. However, audiologists licensed under thischapter may make earmold impressions and prepare and alter earmolds forclinical use and research.
(1972, c. 181, § 54-83.1:7; 1978, c. 34; 1988, c. 765; 1992, c. 706.)