§ 54.1-2602. Board membership; officers; duties of Director of Department.
The Board of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology shall consist of sevenmembers as follows: two licensed audiologists, two licensed speech-languagepathologists, one otolaryngologist, and two citizen members. The terms ofBoard members shall be four years. All professional members of the Boardshall have actively practiced their professions for at least two years priorto their appointments.
The Board shall elect annually a chairman and a vice-chairman. The Directorof the Department of Health Professions shall act as secretary-treasurer ofthe Board and shall keep a complete record of the proceedings and accounts ofthe Board.
The Board shall be authorized to promulgate canons of ethics under which theprofessional activities of persons regulated shall be conducted.
(1972, c. 181, §§ 54-83.1:8, 54-83.1:10; 1978, c. 34; 1979, c. 296; 1981, c.447; 1987, c. 686, § 54-83.1:8.1; 1988, c. 765; 1992, c. 706.)