§ 54.1-2731. Prohibited terms; penalty.
A. No person shall hold himself out to be or advertise or permit to beadvertised that such person is a dietitian or nutritionist unless such person:
1. Has (i) received a baccalaureate or higher degree in nutritional sciences,community nutrition, public health nutrition, food and nutrition, dieteticsor human nutrition from a regionally accredited college or university and(ii) satisfactorily completed a program of supervised clinical experienceapproved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration of the American DieteticAssociation;
2. Has active registration through the Commission on Dietetic Registration ofthe American Dietetic Association;
3. Has an active certificate of the Certification Board for NutritionSpecialists by the Board of Nutrition Specialists;
4. Has an active accreditation by the Diplomats or Fellows of the AmericanBoard of Nutrition;
5. Has a current license or certificate as a dietitian or nutritionist issuedby another state; or
6. Has the minimum requisite education, training and experience determined bythe Board of Health Professions appropriate for such person to hold himselfout to be, or advertise or allow himself to be advertised as, a dietitian ornutritionist.
The restrictions of this section apply to the use of the terms "dietitian"and "nutritionist" as used alone or in any combination with the terms"licensed," "certified," or "registered," as those terms also imply aminimum level of education, training and competence.
B. Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this section shall beguilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(1995, c. 391.)