§ 54.1-2701. Exemptions.
This chapter shall not:
1. Apply to a licensed physician or surgeon unless he practices dentistry asa specialty;
2. Apply to a nurse practitioner certified by the Board of Nursing and theBoard of Medicine except that intraoral procedures shall be performed onlyunder the direct supervision of a licensed dentist;
3. Apply to a dentist or a dental hygienist of the United States Army, Navy,Coast Guard, Air Force, Public Health Service, or Veterans Administration;
4. Apply to any dentist of the United States Army, Navy, Coast Guard, or AirForce rendering services voluntarily and without compensation while deemed tobe licensed pursuant to § 54.1-106;
5. Apply to any dentist or dental hygienist who (i) does not regularlypractice dentistry in Virginia, (ii) holds a current valid license orcertificate to practice as a dentist or dental hygienist in another state,territory, district or possession of the United States, (iii) volunteers toprovide free health care to an underserved area of this Commonwealth underthe auspices of a publicly supported all volunteer, nonprofit organizationthat sponsors the provision of health care to populations of underservedpeople, (iv) files a copy of the license or certificate issued in such otherjurisdiction with the Board, (v) notifies the Board at least 15 days prior tothe voluntary provision of services of the dates and location of suchservice, and (vi) acknowledges, in writing, that such licensure exemptionshall only be valid, in compliance with the Board's regulations, during thelimited period that such free health care is made available through thevolunteer, nonprofit organization on the dates and at the location filed withthe Board. The Board may deny the right to practice in Virginia to anydentist or dental hygienist whose license has been previously suspended orrevoked, who has been convicted of a felony or who is otherwise found to bein violation of applicable laws or regulations; or
6. Prevent an office assistant from performing usual secretarial duties orother assistance as set forth in regulations promulgated by the Board.
(Code 1950, §§ 54-149 through 54-151, 54-172; 1970, c. 639; 1972, c. 805, §54-200.23; 1975, c. 479; 1988, c. 765; 1995, c. 509; 2002, c. 740; 2003, c.495.)