§ 54.1-2708.3. Regulation of mobile dental clinics.
No person shall operate a mobile dental clinic or other portable dentaloperation without first registering such mobile dental clinic or otherportable dental operation with the Board, except that mobile dental clinicsor other portable dental operations operated by federal, state, or localgovernment agencies or other entities identified by the Board in regulationsshall be exempt from such registration requirement.
The Board shall promulgate regulations for mobile dental clinics and otherportable dental operations to ensure that patient safety is protected,appropriate dental services are rendered, and needed follow-up care isprovided. Such regulations shall include, but not be limited to, requirementsfor the registration of mobile dental clinics, locations where services maybe provided, requirements for reporting by providers, and other requirementsnecessary to provide accountability for services rendered.
(2010, c. 405.)