§ 54.1-2712. Permissible practices.
The following activities shall be permissible:
1. Dental assistants or dental hygienists aiding or assisting licenseddentists, or dental assistants aiding or assisting dental hygienists underthe general supervision of a dentist in accordance with regulationspromulgated pursuant to § 54.1-2729.01;
2. The performance of mechanical work on inanimate objects only, for licenseddentists, by any person employed in or operating a dental laboratory;
3. Dental students who are enrolled in accredited D.D.S. or D.M.D. degreeprograms performing dental operations, under the direction of competentinstructors (i) within a dental school or college, dental department of auniversity or college, or other dental facility within a university orcollege that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the UnitedStates Department of Education; (ii) in a dental clinic operated by anonprofit organization providing indigent care; (iii) in governmental orindigent care clinics in which the student is assigned to practice during hisfinal academic year rotations; (iv) in a private dental office for a limitedtime during the student's final academic year when under the direct tutorialsupervision of a licensed dentist holding appointment on the dental facultyof the school in which the student is enrolled; or (v) practicing dentalhygiene in a private dental office under the direct supervision of a licenseddentist holding appointment on the dental faculty of the school in which thestudent is enrolled;
4. A licensed dentist from another state or country appearing as a clinicianfor demonstrating technical procedures before a dental society ororganization, convention, or dental college, or performing his duties inconnection with a specific case on which he may have been called to theCommonwealth; and
5. Dental hygiene students enrolled in an accredited dental hygiene programperforming dental hygiene practices as a requisite of the program, under thedirection of competent instructors, as defined by regulations of the Board ofDentistry, (i) within a dental hygiene program in a dental school or college,or department thereof, or other dental facility within a university orcollege that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the UnitedStates Department of Education; (ii) in a dental clinic operated by anonprofit organization providing indigent care; (iii) in a governmental orindigent care clinic in which the student is assigned to practice during hisfinal academic year rotations; or (iv) in a private dental office for alimited time during the student's final academic year when under the directsupervision of a licensed dentist or licensed dental hygienist holdingappointment on the dental faculty of the school in which the student isenrolled.
(Code 1950, § 54-147; 1970, c. 639; 1972, c. 805; 1975, c. 479; 1985, c. 373;1988, c. 765; 1989, c. 131; 1994, c. 749; 2004, c. 754; 2005, cc. 505, 587;2008, cc. 84, 264.)