§ 54.1-2712.1. Restricted volunteer license for certain dentists.
A. The Board may issue a restricted volunteer license to a dentist who:
1. Held an unrestricted license in Virginia or another state as a licensee ingood standing at the time the license expired or became inactive;
2. Is volunteering for a public health or community free clinic that providesdental services to populations of underserved people;
3. Has fulfilled the Board's requirement related to knowledge of the laws andregulations governing the practice of dentistry in Virginia;
4. Has not failed a clinical examination within the past five years; and
5. Has had at least five years of clinical practice.
B. A person holding a restricted volunteer license under this section shall:
1. Only practice in public health or community free clinics that providedental services to underserved populations;
2. Only treat patients who have been screened by the approved clinic and areeligible for treatment;
3. Attest on a form provided by the Board that he will not receiveremuneration directly or indirectly for providing dental services; and
4. Not be required to complete continuing education in order to renew such alicense.
C. If a dentist with a restricted volunteer license issued under this sectionhas not held an active, unrestricted license and been engaged in activepractice within the past five years, he shall only practice dentistry andperform dental procedures if a dentist with an unrestricted Virginia license,volunteering at the clinic, reviews the quality of care rendered by thedentist with the restricted volunteer license at least every 30 days.
D. A restricted voluntary license granted pursuant to this section shallexpire on the June 30 of the second year after its issuance, or shallterminate when the supervising dentist withdraws his sponsorship. Suchlicense may be renewed annually in accordance with regulations promulgated bythe Board.
E. A dentist holding a restricted volunteer license issued pursuant to thissection is subject to the provisions of this chapter, the regulationspromulgated under this chapter, and the disciplinary regulations which applyto all dentists practicing in Virginia.
(1997, c. 719; 1998, c. 326; 2005, cc. 505, 587.)