§ 54.1-2714. Restricted licenses to teach dentistry for foreign dentists.
A. The Board may grant, without examination a restricted license to teachdentistry at a dental school in this Commonwealth to any person who:
1. Is a resident of a foreign country;
2. Is licensed to practice dentistry in a foreign country;
3. Holds a faculty appointment in a dental school in a foreign country;
4. Is a graduate of a foreign dental school or college or the dentaldepartment of a foreign college or university;
5. Is not licensed to practice dentistry in Virginia;
6. Has not failed an examination for a license to practice dentistry in thisCommonwealth;
7. Has received a temporary appointment to the faculty of a dental school inthis Commonwealth to teach dentistry;
8. Is, in the opinion of the Board, qualified to teach dentistry; and
9. Submits a completed application, the supporting documents the Board deemsnecessary to determine his qualifications, and the prescribed fee.
B. A restricted license shall entitle the licensee to perform all operationswhich a person licensed to practice dentistry may perform but only for thepurpose of teaching. No person granted a restricted license shall practicedentistry intramurally or privately or receive fees for his services.
C. A restricted license granted pursuant to this section shall expire twelvemonths from the date of issuance and may not be renewed or reissued.
(1977, c. 349, § 54-175.2; 1988, c. 765.)