§ 54.1-2716. Practicing in a commercial or mercantile establishment.
It shall be unlawful for any dentist to practice his profession in acommercial or mercantile establishment, or to advertise, either in person orthrough any commercial or mercantile establishment, that he is a licensedpractitioner and is practicing or will practice dentistry in such commercialor mercantile establishment. This section shall not prohibit the rendering ofprofessional services to the officers and employees of any person, firm orcorporation by a dentist, whether or not the compensation for such service ispaid by the officers and employees, or by the employer, or jointly by all orany of them. Any dentist who violates any of the provisions of this sectionshall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
For the purposes of this section, the term "commercial or mercantileestablishment" means a business enterprise engaged in the selling ofcommodities or services unrelated to the practice of dentistry or the otherhealing arts.
(Code 1950, § 54-147.1; 1988, c. 765.)