§ 54.1-2725. Licenses to teach dental hygiene; renewals.
Upon payment of the prescribed fee, the Board shall grant, withoutexamination, a license to teach dental hygiene to any applicant who (i) is agraduate of a dental hygiene school or college or the dental hygienedepartment of a college or university approved by the Board of Dentistry;(ii) has a B.S., B.A., A.B., or M.S. degree and is otherwise qualified; (iii)is not licensed to practice dental hygiene; (iv) has not failed anexamination for a license to practice dental hygiene in this Commonwealth;and (v) has a license to practice dental hygiene in at least one other state.The applicant shall be certified to be on the faculty of an approvedinstitution that teaches dentistry or dental hygiene. The holder of such alicense shall be entitled to perform all operations which a person licensedto practice dental hygiene would be entitled to perform but only for theexpress purpose of teaching. This license does not entitle the holder topractice dental hygiene intramurally or privately or to receive fees forservices.
Any license issued under this section shall expire on the second June 30after its issuance but may be renewed.
(1975, c. 479, § 54-175.1; 1976, c. 327; 1988, c. 765.)