§ 54.1-2801. Exemptions.
A. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any officer of local orstate institutions or to the burial of the bodies of inmates of stateinstitutions when buried at the expense of the Commonwealth or any of itspolitical subdivisions.
B. Any person holding a license as a funeral director or embalmer or anequivalent in another state, having substantially similar requirements as theBoard, may apply to the Board for courtesy card privileges to remove bodiesfrom and to arrange funerals or embalm bodies in this Commonwealth. However,these privileges shall not include the right to establish or engage generallyin the business of funeral directing and embalming in Virginia.
(Code 1950, §§ 54-260.1, 54-260.22 through 54-260.30, 54-260.32; 1956, c.220; 1966, c. 284, § 54-260.70; 1972, c. 797, § 54-260.67; 1973, c. 296;1974, c. 686; 1978, c. 849; 1986, c. 43; 1988, c. 765.)