§ 54.1-2805. Engaging in the practice of funeral services or the business ofpreneed funeral planning or acting as a funeral director or embalmer withouta license.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or hold himself out asengaging in the practice of funeral services or the business of preneedfuneral planning, to operate a funeral service establishment, or to act as afuneral director or embalmer or hold himself out as such unless he islicensed by the Board. Engaging in the practice of funeral services, preneedfuneral planning, operating a funeral service establishment, or acting as afuneral director or embalmer shall be recognized as that of a healthprofession.
(1974, c. 257, § 54-260.73:1; 1988, c. 765; 1989, c. 684; 2000, c. 773.)